The Blackburn Science Centre opened for the beginning of the September 2010 term. The project involved a new build science centre incorporating 10 laboratories, 3 classrooms and ancillary space. The building is designed to be a learning resource in itself and visible sustainable design features included using biomass boiler, green roof, natural ventilation and photovoltaic panels. It has achieved BREEAM “Excellent” status at Design and Post Construction Stage.
“since the building had been open, there had been a 40% increase in the number of students wanting to take science”
Head of Science, Rob Dethridge
It was shortlisted for the ‘Engineering Excellence Awards 2010’ and awarded ‘Highly Commended’ in LABC Central Building Excellence Awards.
Live data from the Science Centre’s Environmental Performance, including current temperatures and energy being generated from the photovoltaic panels can be seen here https://bsp.bradfieldcollege.org.uk/gbm/
A video produced for the school on the science centre can be seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4OdLLe9WR4
Siemens used the project as a case study for Desigo Building Management Systems and Green Building Monitor (GBM) Software, a video overview can be seen here https://youtu.be/x0SSoeNwvxk?list=PL1FA7396D517D04FC
An article on the Laboratory News’ visit to the Science Centre can be read here http://laboratorynews.wordpress.com/2011/09/20/laboratory-news-on-the-road/