Home > Projects Projects Sector All All Church Performing Arts Education Community Healthcare Historic Buildings & Conservation Residential Sports & Leisure Retail, Commercial & Industrial International Location All All Greater Manchester London Kent Surrey Hertfordshire Cumbria Hampshire Berkshire Oxfordshire Northamptonshire Leicestershire Gloucestershire Buckinghamshire Staffordshire Lancashire Tanzania Kenya Yorkshire Northern Ireland Bedfordshire East Sussex West Sussex Suffolk Jersey South Sudan Mozambique Scotland Essex Budget All All £0 - £100,000 £100,001 - £500,000 £500,000 - £1,000,000 £1,000,001 - £2,500,000 £2,500,001 - £5,000,000 £5,000,000 + Personnel All All John Marsh Mark Eddison Charles Darby Paul Chester Andrew Cowlard Alex Wood Maggie Forrester Sadiqa Jabbar Will Jones Stephen Moore Steve Marstrand Michelle Jones Natasa Morrou Des Hill Alan Weston Malcolm Thomas Church MEB Design has considerable experience working with all types of church. We work from initial feasibility studies through to completed projects, and from historical conservation work for listed buildings to both sympathetic and modern extensions and complete new build churches. Performing Arts MEB Design has a particular specialisation in performing arts projects, from the refurbishment of existing buildings and facilities to complete new build theatres or music venues, and performing arts departments for schools. Education MEB Design works with schools in both the private and state sectors, from strategic and master-planning, to re-development of existing sites and buildings, to brand new schools and all sorts of facilities including science centres, boarding houses, art design and technology departments. Community MEB Design has worked on projects ranging from retirement homes and sheltered housing to hospitals and conference or outdoor activity centres. Often related to our church work, we have extensive experience working with all sorts of charitable and community organisations. Healthcare MEB Design has a particular expertise in designing a wide variety of high quality buildings for our healthcare clients. Through our merger with Weston Architects we have extensive experience ranging from individual health clinics to primary care trusts and hospitals. Historic Buildings & Conservation MEB Design has its own specialist accredited in-house conservation architects. Projects vary from fire damage repair to the full restoration and re-development of heritage assets and listed buildings including Grade 1, 2 and 2*. Residential MEB Design is used to working on all types of residential projects. We have won awards for new build contemporary homes and for extensions and refurbishments; we also have experience of social housing and multiple dwelling housing for commercial developers. Sports & Leisure MEB Design has completed all sorts of facilities from school level up to national sporting arenas, including college boat houses, school swimming pools and specialist trampolining facilities used by athletes in preparation for the 2012 London Olympics. Retail, Commercial & Industrial MEB Design has worked on many and varied projects ranging from supermarkets and shop re-fits, to refurbishment and new-build offices, industrial and warehouse facilities, and conference and exhibition venues. International MEB Design’s international work, mostly in Africa, is based on charity projects for children’s centres, educational and training facilities. MEB Design has worked in Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, Uganda, Somalia, France and the Lebanon.